Thread: Dry Pot?
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Old 01-06-2007, 04:29 PM
SheridanCat SheridanCat is offline
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Default Re: Dry Pot?

You played it fine.

The concept of a "dry pot" really doesn't apply to ring games. The dry pot he refers to is the side pot, which has nothing in it yet. By betting into a dry side pot, you bet and drove him out of the hand. Perfectly acceptable in a ring game. He's an idiot.

In a tournament, especially in the end stages, things are different. This all goes to the concept of the implicit collusion where two (or more) players check the hand down when one other player is all-in. By checking it down, you have more opportunities to knock the all-in player out.

That said, you are never obligated to participate in the implicit collusion. If you have a strong hand, bet into the dry sidepot.
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