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Old 01-06-2007, 01:45 AM
Courtesy Flush Courtesy Flush is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 477
Default Has anyone ever had a boil lanced?

Sorry for the gross thread but I have an important dilema.

Skip the next paragraph if you don't want to read unnecessary details...

I had a boil that was very inflamed and growing repidly. My medical insurance sucks so my only option was to hit the emergency room. After hours and hours of waiting, I saw the doc, doc lanced the boil, packed a little piece of gauze into it to keep it open and draining, covered wound with gauze pad and told me to come back to have it removed and let them check on me in two days. I went back tonight, 7 hours before my flight to Texas which I cannot miss, and it was packed to the brim with people. I sat there for an hour, watched one person go in that whole time and realized I didn't leave myself enough time, so I left.

I decided I'm just going to remove the gauze strip myself and clean my wound best I can. My question is, does anyone know what you're supposed to do to clean it? I know you're supposed to keep it in warm water for long periods of time throughout the day, so I figure after I pull out the strip I'll take a long warm bath and then put hydrogen peroxide on it before covering it again with another gauze pad. Does anyone see any holes in that line? Also, would soap be a bad thing to come into contact with the wound?
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