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Old 01-01-2007, 04:29 PM
MyTheory MyTheory is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
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Default Re: Never Trust Anyone

I just have some questions about this thread:

First, why would you trust someone you don't know? Even if they are a 'well-known' pro? Just because they're a name player or whatever doesn't mean they're beyond reproach.

Second, why would you turn all your money over to him to manage for you? Especially if it's cash? The whole purpose of having a backer is so you don't have to spend your bankroll on games and tournaments. It didn't make you at all suspicious that even if you were getting backed that you might be getting backed with your own money?

Also, when you felt the situation getting really shady, why the hell did you even stick around? So you lose 12grand, so what?! It's better than something potentially happening to you physically.

It should be obvious that gambling is an industry where it's in everyone's best interest to keep most people at arms length. Unless you're extremely close to that person, you shouldn't be getting too involved with people you don't know and you certainly shouldn't be giving them your money for ANY reason.

I don't wish bad things on people but, assuming any of this thread is true, you pretty much brought it on yourself. Don't confuse this with the "asking for it" comments that I've been reading because that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that you should've used more common sense in the situation.
People do make mistakes and this was obviously a large one for you but, when you saw things going awry you should've just bailed.

Note* I didn't read all of the replies to the original thread so I'm sure all of this has been said and asked before and I apologize.