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Old 12-30-2006, 02:43 PM
Rubin Rubin is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 105
Default 2 questions about using this forum

I tried to convert a UB hand from pokertracker to the FTR hand history tool and it didn't seem to work. I saw in the suppoter sites list: " *Ultimate Bet hand histories must be the ones displayed online." Is there a tool that lets me copy UB hands from Poketracker or am I supposed to copy/paste as I'm playing or what? Second Question -
After reading the sticky and a lot of posts, it still isn't clear to me whether the standard "3rd stat" being used is "Aggression Frequency Total" or "Total Aggression Postflop". For example, "(postflop only)AF" isn't really clear. Does that mean "total aggression postflop"? Some people say AF and it seems to me that that would be Aggression Frequency Total. Could somebody write out the stat as it appears in the hud drop down? Sorry if it's a stupid question. Thanks for your help.
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