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Old 12-30-2006, 04:51 AM
Mickey Brausch Mickey Brausch is offline
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Default Before they focus

You would have a better chance of preventing mirth if you admitted that almost all the military excursions abroad since WWII, engaged by the U.S., have been to project power and to promote geopolitical interests rather than self defense. "Stop them before we have to fight them in California" and all that crap just doesn't cut it anymore. Admit the truth, and we'll take it from there.

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Try to focus. The topic was whether the USA is justified in retaliating against against Syria and Iran for their actions against US soldiers in Iraq. Since both these countries are actively taking actions to kill US soldiers...I say yes.

[/ QUOTE ]And I say that the way you phrased it is a clear and useful example of the extremely arrogant midframe operating behind American actions and policies in the world. Have been so for quite some time! I also say that this kind of supreme arrogance has been noted by historians to be a prime sign of oncoming decay for world powers. Not the only sign, but cetainly a primary sign.

Whether the possession of nukes changes the analysis as much as jman220 posits, remains to be seen. But remember that it's not colonies or military possessions we have to worry about, today.

Mickey Brausch
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