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Old 12-30-2006, 12:19 AM
WuTank WuTank is offline
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Default Re: It\'s clear there is a Creator of the Universe!

First off all i am sorry for my poor english, i am from Germany.
We are not able to give any examples and theories here.The only thing that is clear, that in our universe life is possible.This is a fact.So we dont have to ask other questions.The tautology here is that life wouldnt be able, we are not able to posse such questions.
So if we are sticking with the facts we know:Life is possible.
The Question like what would have happend if atom V would have crushed in atom W instead of K in the Planck time, are not valid here, because we will never have facts as an answer.
The argumentation you make is reversed and in my eyes not correct.
You see the result "life" and argumente that it is much more likey that it has been created than it has developed itself.
I agree here that is much more likey that the event "no life" occours, but as we see "life" has occoured in our world.
Nobody knows the odds but lets say the are equal to the ones
flopping a Royal Flush.
And I dont see you laying down a consecutive Royal Flush with the justification "its too unlikey to happen 2 times in a row".
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