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Old 12-29-2006, 09:41 PM
MikeSmith MikeSmith is offline
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Default Re: I\'m Legal Now--What\'s my move?

sounds like you still see poker as a fun hobby and you are certainly more in it for the thrills than for actually churning out some kind of secondary income. Its ok to play for fun but pissing away thousands of dollars for a 18 year old is just silly.

Its good that you realize that you arent that good, the majority of the people on this site are indeed losing players with big egos. Now with that thought in mind I would recommend just playing for relatively small amounts, it can still be thrilling at times but sitting with H@ll with no real experience on zero bankroll is a formula for going bust.

Improving takes time, grinding it out on each level and most importantly discipline. I honestly think you are better off just keeping a couple hundred on stars for having fun at cheap mtts and focusing your time in some other facet.
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