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Old 12-28-2006, 12:32 PM
Morrek Morrek is offline
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Default Re: Fold top2 vs fishy?

Yeah ok I'll give my thoughts. Basically on the flop, I knew he was very capable of having a 6 since he has a very high vpip. Then he calls, so I put him on a 6 or a J or maybe 77-TT, maybe overcards like KQ AK since he's a fish. No draws out there. The K comes, so yeah my hand "improves", but, does it really change that much vs his range?

Then, he minraises me on the turn (ALARM GOES OFF), but, I have top2. I think he's capable of doing this w/ like AK KQ, atleast some of the time. I really don't think he does it with a J, and he definitely does it with any 6. Soo against this range + some fishy AA and w/e I'm 25%:

Board: Jc 6d 6s Kd

equity (%) win (%) tie (%)
Hand 1: 24.7214 % 24.28% 00.44% { KJo }
Hand 2: 75.2786 % 74.84% 00.44% { AA, JJ, 66, AKs, A6s, KQs, K6s, Q6s, 96s, 86s, 76s, 64s+, AKo, 86o, 76o, 65o }

I realize that's a lot of combinations of 6x, but I think he calls me preflop with all those hands.

So I'm leaning towards a fold here. It feels really weird to fold top2 vs a fish but I think it's correct. But I still kindof like the turn bet as I think he'll call down with maybe Kx, definitely Jx and some other weird hands he decides to call down with, but once he raises me I think I'm drawing to 4outs.
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