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Old 12-27-2006, 02:00 PM
SoloAJ SoloAJ is offline
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Default Re: DVD Club: A Prairie Home Companion

I watched this movie with my girlfriend a few days ago and neither of us liked it very much. We were surprised that we didn't because we both thought it woudl be great going into it...

I think a large part of it might have been that while we knew it was a real program and such, we never have listened to it. So from the beginning I was unfamiliar with the characters and what they do on the show. I think that if I had more familiarity with the show I would have appreciated it much more.

Throughout the entire movie I kept asking, what is the plot of this movie. I got that it was shutting down and I understood the angel of death plot (which I didn't like much at all)...But I never understood what really was going on. The characters downplay the fact that it is getting shut down so it doesn't seem like much of a conflict. The film just kind of floats by for the hour and a half without doing much....I suppose it paralleled the radio show in that way. While that may add to its cute little feeling for some, I just didn't like that aspect of the film.

That all said, I thought some of the acting was really good. Obviously the cowboys Harrelson and Reilly were hilarious.

Also, I recently watched Devil Wears Prada which was my first time seeing Streep acting. I thought she did well in DWP...but I now realize that she did really well. The contrast between her characters in DWP and PHC is enormous. While I didn't like her character a GREAT deal in this movie, she was superb...and seeing that contrast within a few days made me really like her.

(Note: I have seen Deer Hunter...but when I saw that I didn't even realize it was Streep or really focus on her role.)

All in all, I'd say I didn't like the plot or story very much, but that may be attributed to unfamiliarity with the radio show. I loved some of the acting, especially Tommy Lee Jones' stint in the movie. I might watch it again if I was in the mood just to see if I perceive the movie differently, but as it is...I was a bit let down.
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