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Old 12-23-2006, 09:35 AM
Mickey Brausch Mickey Brausch is offline
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Default The Dicks an\' Meccatuna Line

While most of the biomass might be locked up in bacteria, like most of the mass of the universe is locked up in dark matter, that doesn't mean the rest isn't "important" or at the very least, begging for explanation, which is what your original post in this thread implied.

[/ QUOTE ](Oh brother.) I did not imply that "our" part of the story is not important or that sexual/two-sex reproduction isn't interesting.

It has been advocated here that "our" model is the most successful in nature -- but the numbers are not with us. It's asserted that Man is but a wiglet of a very large bush, and that the overwhelming majority of the bush couldn't care less about penises and vaginas.

Coupled with the assertion that evolution does not necesarily mean "progress" (i.e. a march towards more complexity of "perfection"), except topically, if at all, and we have something like a whim of history, as far as the sexual model of animals is concerned.

Mickey Brausch
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