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Old 12-22-2006, 05:02 PM
Sluss Sluss is offline
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Default Re: Skip Bayless is the stupidest man alive

I dont think Salisbury as bad as Jerwoski and Dikta. Mark May isnt as bad when you sit him next to Holtz.

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My theory is Sean Salisbury must have naked pictures of someone. I've wondered at times if he ever played football. Then I remember he didn't.

Jaws is the best. He watches more film than anyone else. He just dumbs things down for the audience.

Great Jaws story from this summer. Jaworski owns a golf course not far away from my house. A buddy of mine is at a golf tournamnet there earlier this year where Jaws was around. He runs into him coming out of the bathroom and proceeds to have a 20 minute football conversation with him where he breaks down three teams and who he thinks will have a big year. He missed the first two holes.
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