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Old 12-22-2006, 03:00 PM
Fishwhenican Fishwhenican is offline
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Default Someone I know died this morning!

Someone I know died this morning. We had a bit of freezing rain this morning early and he lost control of his pickup and rolled it.

I did not know him well but have seen him around town a lot. He likes to hang out in the little tavern in town that I like to frequent and I have seen him and his family in church on Sundays. We have talked on several occasions including some this past weekend. He is a decent enough guy, hard working with a wife and 5 little kids. He is obviously from Mexico as his English is not the best and his wife barely speaks English at all. Before anyone asks, I have no idea if he is here legally or not. That is not my business and not any of the point here.

It makes me really sad to see a guy who works hard, has a family and is obviously just trying to make a living and support his family die three days before Christmas. I feel so sad for his kids that will forever associate a time that is supposed to be happy with the death of their father. I feel sad for his wife who loses her husband and is left to try and make a go of it with 5 little children.

Anyway, the point of my post is that things like this bring the fact that life is fragile and fleeting. At any given moment you or someone you love can be gone, forever. As I get older I see these kind of things more and more. These kind of things help me realize that as I deal with the day to day issues with my family and friends, I pick and choose my battles well and let the small stuff go. I try hard to realize that in the grand scheme of things small, maybe irritating, things really are not all that important. What is important is the way you treat other people, your family, friends and loved ones.

Treat others well because you never know, they could be gone tomorrow!
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