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Old 12-22-2006, 09:24 AM
Artdogg Artdogg is offline
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Default Re: I\'m sorry but this game blows

Im only 45 hours into the game but i can see some of problems you guys have brought up. Im at the part right before Feywood, and ive killed probably the last 7-8 bosses with basically quickenings alone (some were hunts,) so its been a while since ive actually fully used the gambit system (other then some basic ones when fighting enemies.) Hell I even killed the bomb boss even though I wasnt supposed to yet (i figured that out since the enemies that followed destroyed me.) I have a feeling this will work for a while longer then ill have to change everything up and use gambits and fight legitimately. Basically what I am getting at is once you get quickenings the game gets easier so it's easy to rely on them and use them a ton for everything, making the battles pretty boring. I just think quickenings in general are set up badly (and espers appear to suck but i cant know yet.)

I still think it's a great game, just the problem is the bar has been set so high with previous FF games. The story is not as good and the side stuff doesnt seem as fun (although it definately seems like the deepest FF to date by far.)
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