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Old 12-21-2006, 06:16 AM
starbird starbird is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Carthago delenda est
Posts: 44
Default starbird needs Kadorto now

Wizardry (anyone remember Wizardry?), 'cause I wrote it.

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You serious? That was a great game.

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WOW. That's insane. I frickin' LOVED that game when I was a kid. Trip Report on writing that game?

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I hope he wrote it for real, and didn't "invent post-its," assuming that everyone forgot about the game.

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If he's lying I say we Tiltowait him!

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If it gets bad I'll just Malor my ass outta Dodge...

Okay, so I might have exaggerated a little. Wizardry I ("Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord") was written by a couple of friends of mine in college. A handful of us were dedicated playtesters for the first two scenarios, and three of us were hired to write the third one (Legacy of Llylgamyn). This was more a matter of level, monster, and item design than actual coding because the underlying engine was already in place.

This is awesome. Who remembers a 25-year-old computer game?

It ran on the Apple ][, so it had to fit in 48K of memory. IIRC, Wizardry was the first home computer game to display a "three-dimensional" POV of the maze you were running around in. Remember those wireframe graphics? That stuff was pretty damn cool in 1981.

It's a kick to know that it hasn't been forgotten. Somewhere I still have the serial #1 floppy of Wizardry II ("Knight of Diamonds").
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