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Old 12-20-2006, 02:15 PM
Spleen Spleen is offline
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Default Ultimate Bet easy method for PT and PAHUD?

Ok I sifted through 5 different forum threads about how to get PT to work with UB and PAHUD. I am looking for an simple explanation of ho0w to get this stuff to work with each other. My problems:

1) PT and PAHUD work fine with full ring tables, only problem is the hh window pops up every few seconds and drives me nuts, forcing me to lose focus on my game(s).

2)PAHUD places the 6 max stats on the wrong ppl on different seats. I use GT+ to get around this but I prefer to use PAHUD if possuble.

I guess I can settle for using GT+ if I can find a way to get the HH window from popping up every 10(?) seconds.

If anyone has managed a way around these problems please help me out.

Edit: I moved the HH window to a different monitor, so until I start paying more than 4 tables that will do for now
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