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Old 12-18-2006, 07:42 PM
TheIrishThug TheIrishThug is offline
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Default The Absolute Solution - Open & Close Tables and Datamine

Back in August I published the code for The Absolute Solution. An AutoHotkey script that would record hand histories from the Instant Hand History window. That thread can be found here.

When I put that out, I said I would work on adding the functionality to automatically open and close tables. I have finally finished what a feel is a decently stable version of the script that will do just that.

The Source Code can retrieved by going here.
There is also a tutorial that should explain how to use the program.

A special thanks needs to be given to SamIAm, Roland and anyone that did work on writing iWitness. Without their work, this new version of Absolute Solution would not have been possible.

Presently SNGs are not supported. Since I never saw them as being that active, I did not spend the time to ensure they would work. But if anyone wants it, just tell me and I will take that time.

There are a few things that I am aware of that prevents the Absolute Solution from operating perfectly. I decided that it was better to release the script as is so that people can start using it now.
Known Issues:
If you use the Absolute Solution to mine two different types of games at once, I have seen some lag by Absolute Poker in updating their Lobby lists. This causes one of the rules to sometimes not work.
When Absolute Solution has been running for a while, the function that opens tables finds a table it should open, but isn't able to select it in the menu (so no table is opened).
Running multiple clients. I haven't taken the time to see if this might have been broken when I converted the code to work with Absolute instead of Party. If I remember correctly, there were issues that caused the extra clients to not open new tables. That will still be true, as I have not done much with the code handling separate clients.
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