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Old 12-18-2006, 06:56 AM
Fiksdal Fiksdal is offline
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Default Re: When to look at the cards? (LC)

I thought about this before. When I'm at the table, and see someone looking at their cards as soon as they are dealt to them, this is usually a quite accurate read that this person is a fish, or has mostly been playing online.

Obviously the optimal thing to do, is to wait until it's your turn to act, so that the people in front of you can't pick up any tells about the strenght of your hand, simply because you don't even know yourself yet.

However, when it's your turn to act, people will be watching you, so maybe they will be paying more attention to your face, and pick up your expression while you are looking at your cards. This is an argument for looking at your cards as soon as you get them.

I still prefer waiting until it's my turn though.
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