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Old 12-16-2006, 09:36 PM
ELGCC ELGCC is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 39
Default Re: Never Trust Anyone

I'm amazed at the gullibility of most of the people on this thread.

We have a 20-something female sharing hotel rooms with a 50-something poker player and you people believe her when she says she gave HIM money. LOL.

I know this is an internet message board populated mostly by typical "internet nerds," but surely you can't all be this naive.

Even if you're silly enough to believe her story, my guess is Franklin spent far more money than $12,000 on her in return. How much did he spend on buy-ins and other expenses? Where was she getting her spending money while all this was going on? Come on people. This girl didn't just come out of a convent.

The reality here is probably something more like she's just pissed that the 50-something sugar-daddy has moved on to a newer 20-something female and cut her money off. This is her revenge and most of you nit-wits are buying it.

And anyone who believes Brandi would be "shocked" by a naked man in her bed hasn't met her.

[/ QUOTE ]

this is by far the smartest post in this whole thread.
Props for putting it so well. Anyone here wanna try the over/under of PM's she'll be getting from lonley guys with extra $ to throw around? If she plays her cards right this will all work out very well for her, and I don't blame her at all, some people ddeserve to be taken advantage of.