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Old 12-16-2006, 01:05 PM
Smasharoo Smasharoo is offline
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Default Re: \"Worst of the Worst?\" It is to laugh...

One of the great lies of the 21st Century, that the majority of Gitmo "detainees" were vicious Al queda killers, takes a few more hits.

Decisions by more than a dozen countries in the Middle East, Europe and South Asia to release the former Guantanamo detainees raise questions about whether
they were really as dangerous as the United States claimed, or whether some of America's staunchest allies
have set terrorists and militants free.

I don't think Gitmo or ignoring the GC made any sense at all, but having 1% of the detainees released in no way has anything to do with the majority of them being ruthless killers or not.
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