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Old 12-16-2006, 12:26 PM
NSchandler NSchandler is offline
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Default Re: $300 to sit thru a time-share sales pitch

My older brother has done this a few times.

He has said the key is to be very stand-offish. They'll hit you from every angle - they'll send a nice guy, then a mean guy, a cool guy, a dorky guy, etc. Just don't agree with anything they say, make it clear you don't like them and have no intentions of even listening to their offer. Otherwise they'll just keep on you and on you and on you.

I think almost all of these places require you to be married, so I imagine your wife is going too. It's probably pretty important to let her know beforehand there is a 0% chance of buying anything because their M.O. is to sell the wife on the idea and then guilt the husband into buying the timeshare for her.