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Old 12-16-2006, 11:47 AM
KKbluff KKbluff is offline
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Default Re: $300 to sit thru a time-share sales pitch

When I was alot younger we used to take a lot of family vactions. I would say around 1/3rd of the trips would involve my dad doing one of those time share sales pitches at some point on our vacation. He really used to get some pretty nice incentives for doing them as well. I went with him on at least 2 of them and they really were not THAT awful (definantly worth the gift). They would tour you around a while and it usually took longer than they projected, but its wasnt all that bad to be honest (although I wasnt doing any of the talking).
About 15 or so years later when my parents ran into some money, he finally ended up getting a time share (after going through the sales pitch once again to get the free gift).

Summary: its worth it.