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Old 12-16-2006, 06:12 AM
ggbman ggbman is offline
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Default Re: Never Trust Anyone


Refer me the when/where she hustled anyone plz? As for self-promoting herself, [censored], i would do that to, why not. If it would make me some coin doing a spread with a couple of aces over my [censored], i would certainly consider it, let alone just coming to some message board to create some hype for myself in an industry where women have a very distinct advantage. ( I don't mean that be to sexist, but impartial people know this to be true) Do me a favor dude, re-read this thread. Look how after every argument you make, i sucessfully rebutt it so that you need to explore another tangent in hopes that i won't be able to continue to make you look stupid. And then realize that instead of continuing this dumb game, you could either stop posting in this thread or concede that your initial comments were out of line. I don't have a strong desire to keep picking apart your flagrantly degrading posts towards women or anyone who doesn't conform to your specific set of moral standards, but if you make me i will.