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Old 12-15-2006, 05:44 AM
SacredChao SacredChao is offline
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Posts: 25
Default Re: Stud 8- 3rd street/bring-in situations

Yep....I agree with you there. Buried pair with a baby door is good as long as you know how to handle it. He said he was beginning though and until you learn a bit more with the low hands, the high pairs will kill you if you don't know when to give up on them. As far as big trips, hiding them isn't that big a deal, at least in the games I've played in. Even they can be dangerous if they don't complete to a full house against multiple lows. The danger comes from a freerolling low pumping the pot.

Overall, having a high hand heads up against another high is best.

If you are heads up playing against a low, you are moslty battling for the antes. If it's against a bad player he will try to draw to the river with bananas on 4th and 5th.

For both a good player and a bad player if he hits the low in 5 or 6 he's freerolling and you are on dangerous ground.
By the river you might be facing a backdoor straight or flush.....or a very well diguised baby full house.

If he's a good player first or second banana and he folds...two small bets and the antes.

The problem with big pairs is you have to play them when the right set of circumstances arise......number and apparent quality of lows....position.....etc, etc. And with a high door card you have to lead. It really takes a bit of experience to not lose that beautiful stack you took hours to accumulate in a few badly chosen high hands.

Although the proper play of big pairs can get you more.....thowing away all big pairs (above 8) except for aces with a baby won't hurt you much verses what you could lose playing them badly.
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