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Old 12-14-2006, 02:19 PM
TheDudeAbides TheDudeAbides is offline
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Default Re: Ask me about being a Québec separatist

Are you saying you are for it? Okay - then I definitely have some questions for you.

1) What gives any province the right to declare itself independent?

2) What about the Cree Nation living in Quebec who certainly predate all Canadians? Would you plan on displacing them? Or just make them take French lessons?

3) How do you plan on supporting yourself economically? The Bank of Canada certainly won't. What would you use for currency? If the decision is made - why would the rest of Canada support Quebec at all (economically speaking)? Would Quebec plan on taking its share of the national debt along with it?

4) The argument is often made that Quebec is unique. True. But so is Newfoundland, The Yukon, and virtually every other area of the country. That's what makes Canada so great. What makes Quebec so special that it deserves status as its own nation?
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