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Old 12-12-2006, 07:58 PM
Apoc Apoc is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 69
Default What Ended Up Happening

Thanks for everyone's thoughts. I'll keep them in mind for the next time, and as anyone who has wandered around San Francisco can attest to, there will be a next time.

After the guy confronted me a little more aggressively, I made eye contact with the manager behind the counter and maneuvered out of the corner where I was standing so that I would have a path to the door, while telling the guy "I don't want any trouble" in what sounded to me like a stern voice but probably sounded more whiny and a little freaked out in real life.

The manager came over and told the guy that I hadn't said anything and that I was just waiting for my meal. The crazy guy didn't seem to really believe the manager, but I think the cashiers had hurried up my order at that point, because they handed it to me and I got the hell out of there, with a little glance over my shoulder to make sure the guy wasn't following me back to my office.

The situation made me think, though, so I was curious what OOT's opinion would be. One thing it definitely made me realize is what a crap job working at any fast food joint must be in any big city, with crazy people coming in all the time that you have to deal with. I have a new-found respect for the folks at my Popeye's and the situations they must have to handle - I almost wish they put out a tip jar, so I could thank them with more than kind words and thoughts. Maybe I'll write a letter to Popeye's corporate telling them how much I appreciate their employee stepping in.

Any other ideas for how I can say thanks for what I consider going above and beyond the call of duty for a normal fast food employee?

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