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Old 12-12-2006, 07:43 PM
rory rory is offline
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Default Re: Show Library: Pseudointellectual Books That, in Fact, Suck

i dont want to comment on the books, because i think that what is pseudointellectual to one person can be profound to another person. for example if someone knows a lot about computers there may be some computer science theory book that is pseudointellectual to the knowledgable person but profound to someone who didnt understand computers and their history and whatever. both are correct.

i want to focus on collections of books i see in peoples libraries that would cause me to make the snap judgement they are a pseudointellectual. i think i might be one too but thats okay. i like to make snap judgements of people because i am a jerk. also i dont like to waste my time so if i can determine someone is not going to make any sense ahead of time i can more quickly make the decision to tune them out and think about other things rather than try to make sense of the nonsense they are dribbling out of their mouth.

neitzche: i think most of the time disaffected teenagers uncover pretty much the totality of his philosophy as i understand it (which is through reading one line quotes that people have in their signatures on message boards). i tried to read a few of his books and they made me want to die. so now if i see someone with lots of neitzche books it makes me skeptical of them. reading neitzche should make you want to die because it is wordy and self-evident. if you need more than one dose you have to be spoon fed your opinions. or you need to turn on signatures on the teen angst message boards so you can get up to speed that way. or read the old newsgroup archives from 1994.

literature criticism books: i like to read a lot too and im not knocking anyone who has gone into english or literature or whatever for their studies at school. but i think there is a higher percentage of pseudointellectual people in english and literature fields than any other field. i think old english is probably the worst. when you talk you probably use words like comparative and thesis over and over and over again, like how hiv replicates.

kant: i think his name needs a vowel changed. if you have a book on kant on your shelf, you probably took a philosophy course in college. that is fine. if you have several you probably majored in philosophy. you have a higher probability of being a pseudointellectual pretentious douchebag if you have several books on kant on your shelf just like if you are a black person you are more likely to rob me. that is applying probability to real life you freakonomics lovers. you personally may not be a douchebag but you have a kant strike against you from the get go if your bookshelf is filled up with more than one of his books.

women's studies books: i don't really need to go on about these. if you have ever talked to a self proclaimed femnisty for five minutes you will understand. if you are one, i am sorry for you and the people around you in your life. also included are many books on racism or what have you. if your shelf is lined with these then most likely i am going to want to die talking to you. or i want you to die. probably both.

environmental books: guess what? nobody cares. everybody has known for years the environment is dying and nobody cares. nobody wants to hear about it. we just want to forget that life sucks and get drunk. we don't want to talk about how the rainforests and glaciers are disappearing. that's depressing. we want to talk about being a PUA and omgloling on the internet. we're all going to die before it is a problem anyway, so therefore its not our problem. big deal the animals are all going extinct. unless they taste good.

poker books and science books together: god help you. you probably post a lot in OOT and think you know everything and act like a jerk most of the time. you probably think there is no god too. that means you are going to hell.

ayn rand: if you have more than one and one of them does not include "capitalism the unknown ideal" then you need to have your information parceled out to you in a story format, like a child. you probably reason like a child too. just read essays not fairy tales please like an adult. also it's not cool to be contrary, and you are probably one of those contrary people in arguments. that is very boring and wastes everyones time.

books on mathematics which do not contain equations and no mathematics books in sight: math is math, i'm sorry but if you didn't learn how to do it somewhere reading a story about math isn't going to help. you can't explain in words how to do math, you have to learn how to do it. it doesnt help you any to know where pi comes from if you can't solve for it.

i am sure there are more but those are the ones that jump out at me now.
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