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Old 12-12-2006, 05:27 PM
Apoc Apoc is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 69
Default Incident at Popeye\'s - How Do You Respond?

Cliff's Notes at bottom for the tl;dr club.

Lunchtime yesterday and I'm busy at work so I decide to bring something back to the office and eat at my desk while working (read: surfing 2+2). Fortunately (or unfortunately for my waistline), my office is above a Popeye's Chicken -- the most delicious of all fast food chicken joints. I've gone so many times that the cashiers recognize me and usually throw an extra piece into my usual order -- spicy chicken fingers with red beans & rice, biscuit, and a drink. Today, they're just making the chicken strips, so they tell me it will a few minutes. No problem! I'll just get twice as much soda while I wait, so I grab my cup, hit the self-serve soda machine, fill up on Sprite and take my position leaning on a wall near the counter while my order is finished.

Now, my office is in the heart of the Mission District in San Francisco, so I see my fair share of crazy people every day, almost all of which are in their own little world and don't bother folks. This particular Popeye's is kind of a nexus of crazy people -- I have surmised that crazy people like chicken, but I'm not sure what that says about me.

So, I'm waiting for my meal and this tall guy wanders in and kind of roams around the restaurant, clearly not totally with it but certainly not the patron saint of crazy in this neighborhood. Finally, after his lap around the dining area, he approaches the cashier and orders some chicken, muttering about how expensive his order is and other incomprehensible stuff. He pays and while standing at the counter, he suddenly turns around to me and says "You better shut up." Alright then, is my order ready yet? I choose to ignore him, and a couple of seconds later, he turns around again and walks over to me (about 5 feet) and yells "I'm gonna f*cking beat the sh*t out of you if you don't shut up!"

So, what should my play here be? FWIW, I'm 6'0"/185 and have never been in a fight and don't particular want to be in one during my lunch. Crazy guy is around 6'2, about my weight. I'd create a poll but I don't want to pre-suppose any course of action. And I'd MSPaint it, but I don't have any paint skills.

Cliff's Notes: Went to grab lunch, got accosted by crazy guy in the restaurant who wants to beat the crap out of me, need to figure out the best course of action.
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