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Old 12-12-2006, 03:47 PM
miajag miajag is offline
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Default Re: Refusing to remove hoodie during national anthem . (news link)

It should be within my right as a US citizen to sit down and not remove my head covering during the singing of the national anthem.

This is what makes us a better country than Iran or China.

This is "freedom".

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This argument is completely flawed. What if I find it disrespectful that you refuse to remove your head covering? Wouldn't that be taking away my freedom?

Removing your hat or whatever is about showing respect. So I consider this disrespectful. Please note I'm not some crazy "god bless america" nutso with a tat like shockey on his arm. I'm not really sensitive to this topic either, just putting in my $.02

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What fundamental "freedom" of yours is taken away by him not removing his hoodie?
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