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Old 12-11-2006, 02:51 PM
skitzofranik skitzofranik is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 57
Default Re: How to beat PLO25

To the poster who was thinking of moving up from .10/.25 to .25/.5. Dont even worry about it. Take some shots and see how you do. I played plo25 at ub for awhile and decided to play at ftp. I started playing .25/.5 at ftp and havent looked back. As long as you have any semblance of plo knowledge you can beat plo50 for a good amount. I've doubled my roll in about 2500 hands and am crushing that game from about 20bb/100 (which i really do believe is sustainable at that level).

Also, i suggest taking shots at the new mixed games on ftp. The HA game is pretty much fantastic as you can tilt a guy in HE and take the rest of his money in PLO where your advantage comes in.

I'm was like you in terms of br management and then i read the rempel's well thread and decided to try out his ideas (since he plays a similar game to what I like to play). I highly recommend checking that out if your interested in moving up.
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