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Old 12-10-2006, 06:04 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Um, well, I just want to be friends.

Letting things take their natural shape is better for everyone. Once you find a girl who really likes you naturally, you'll wonder why you put so much energy before where it wasn't appreciated either at all or anywhere near what you think it was fairly worth. A girl who really likes you will show you exactly how awesome your caring for her and treating her well really is.

Don't try to make things what they're not. Save your emotional energy, time, and money for where they'll be worth expending. It takes a toll on us and our reserves of emotional health and energy are not unlimited, though they may seem to be for a long time. But you pay for loving who doesn't love you back. Sometimes any love, even sorta love or fake love, seems better than none. And maybe it is for a while. But you're losing something, too. Self-respect, hope, all kinds of energy -- and time. Lots and lots of time that you could be available and maybe actively looking for a better match, or just living life well without clouding up your spirit and selling it on the cheap.
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