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Old 12-07-2006, 11:53 PM
maxtower maxtower is offline
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Default Deal of the century.

Check out this listing...
Adderrobot sale

Adderrobot is shareware software. I have used it myself. It is useful for adding friends to your myspace account among other things. Bands especially love it because they want to add a ton of friends to spam with show updates, etc. It is a pain to add friends one at a time, which why this software is so useful. It can add a few hundred at a time. He wants to sell his software for $30,000 minimum bid - $60,000 buy it now price.
Currently that is 4 months revenue at the buy it now price.
There is RISK to this. Myspace could at any time change the way they do things and ruin the usefulness of this program until a workaround could be found (if it can). There are also competitors. I think the risk is worth it, as long as I make sure I understand everything. However, I cannot risk such a high percentage of my personal net worth. I would like to partner with a couple rich poker players on this. Please email me at if you are interested. If you don't have at least $10,000 to lose, don't email me.
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