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Old 12-05-2006, 10:39 PM
Rush Rush is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 12
Default Pointless phone conversations with your SO

I live in the same city as my gf, and we see each other 2-3 times a week. This is overly sufficient for me to discuss with her what is going on in our lives and between us and how our days went. The problem is that she wants to talk to me for 20-30 minutes every day on the phone. I can't [censored] stand it. I have absolutely nothing to say to her most of the time (neither does she) and am forced to make lame conversation every day. It is starting to really drive me insane. Then she'll get mad and think I don't care if i don't act enthused over the phone, when really I just hate talking on the phone about pointless [censored]. She knows I don't like talking on the phone yet still calls me and expects me to call her every so often. We have to think hard about things to talk about, and most conversations are just rehashes of one we've already had. My time is limited with work and I would rather do other things than talk every night on the phone with her.

Anyone else have this issue? My play?

and yes I realize this post makes me seem like an unappreciative douche but i just got off the phone with her and need to vent right now.
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