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Old 12-05-2006, 06:27 PM
tolbiny tolbiny is offline
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Default Re: New Constitutional Convention

What i think would happen is dependant on what the conditions were that brought about the convention.

1. In a time of general peace and prosperity virtually nothing would change, you can't convince millions of people that the status Quo is bad when their lives are pretty good. If it happened in this climate it would have to be a political manuever, or something underhanded where they get to

a. rewrite the constituaiton with essentially the same language but with a few extra loopholes for the framers benefits.
b. talk a whole lot about how democracy is great and "validate" the government a bit more.

amendment 1- same but more wriggle room against "terrorism".
amendment 2- well regulated militia written out and something even vaguer like "resonable restrictions" written in.
amendment 3- Cut out, and when the fed does go belly up many people regrett it as if words on a piece of paper could stop the military. Well they will be half right, since #2 won't be helping any.
amendment 4- the same but with exceptions again for "terrorism"
amendment 5- remain the same.
amendment 6- remain the same.
amendment 7- remain the same $$$ amounts changed.
amendment 8- more terrorism exceptions
amendment 9- remain the same.
amendment 10- remain the same.

2. After a disasterous gov failure. Like the Iraq occupation but actually in the states. multiple cities ht by hurricanes+major earthquakes+tornadoes+ major terroist attack. Gov can't deal, people freak out and want someone to blame. Some states fare better than others and this is seen as "unfair", states rights are cut to pieces and the Fed comes out with all thier powers, minus a few minor ones. Gay marrige banning admendment is passed as a rider to an oil cleanup bill, in which dollar bills are used to absorb the excess oil.

3. Economic collapse of the fed. SS problems +inflation issues + military spending and the fed can't raise taxes anymore. The convention turns out just like the first one. Weak centralized power, with states holding their own sovienty.
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