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Old 12-05-2006, 02:46 PM
KneeCo KneeCo is offline
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Default Re: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip 12/4

I really like the show, I was excited for it from when they announced it and although it ranks behind both Sports Night and the West Wing, it's unfair to whole it to that standard, and judged alone it's still quite good.

Only question coming out of last night's show was who are the bad guys now? Steven Weber's character has gone noble and the two bad writers are out of the picture, only potential foils left now are the new director guy whose into Harriet and potentially the father of Jordan's baby, which would mean collapsing the show into being entirely about Matt and Danny's will they/won't they relationships, which could be a huge mistake.

In any case, I'll be watching.
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