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Old 12-04-2006, 05:21 PM
VoraciousReader VoraciousReader is offline
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Default Re: Star Trek: The Next Generation (GAME THREAD)

Luckay. W.T.F. I don't agree with anything you've posted thus far, except that whether Riker should roleclaim is questionable.

Did you forget to take your Ritalin today or something?

Actually, I think you are all in need of medication. Um. Are people seriously suggesting lynching a doctor for information?

Keep in mind that Troi doesn't have to be good. For that matter, amp doesn't have to be Troi if he knows that Troi is Borg and isn't going to counterclaim. Remember, 24/7 communication for Borg.

I don't understand what information we gain from lynching fnord today, when Worf can try to kill amplify tonight and confirm whether or not he is, in fact, a good Deanna Troi.

Doesn't it make sense to kill fnord tomorrow? I mean, what is he going to do? Revive amp if Worf tries to kill him? If I understand the rules, that's all he can do, and Worf will know if that happened. Also, it's highly unlikely amp and fnord are on the same team.

Worf is the only good guy with a night kill, right? If fnord IS evil and he wants to revive the people the baddies are killing at night, then I say...well, fnord...go right ahead.


Am I missing something crucial here? Or has it just been so long since we played a game with a full angel that everyone has forgotten what a big assist they are to a village?
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