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Old 12-04-2006, 01:41 PM
PBJaxx PBJaxx is offline
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Default NC: Anyone using a widescreen and multitabling?

Mods move this if necessary. I just didn't think I would get much help on this in the computer forum.

I am going to buy a new (second) monitor. My gf is sick of looking at my 19" CRT next to my other LCD. I was planning on getting samsung 204B, but the 204BW widescreen is ~$100 cheaper. I know that it only has 1050 vertical lines as opposed to 1200, but I wonder if it would still be quite usable. I do play primarily on FT, so no resizable tables (ahhh!). If anyone has any experience with this, please help me out. I assume I should probably buck up and drop the other half-buyin and get the 4:3 204B.

Thanks all!
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