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Old 12-03-2006, 11:58 PM
soah soah is offline
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Default Re: Star Trek: The Next Generation (GAME THREAD)

The 5 Borg were picked specifically as to what character they would impersonate, (not random), right?

I assigned each character a number from 1-21 with Worf being 1, and then I selected 5 random numbers between 2-21. Those 5 numbers became the 5 Borg. Then I assigned players randomly to those roles.

If Q gets targetted by death by Worf, does Worf learn who Q is?


When the seers peek, do they learn the target's role and whether the target is Borg?


What is the % chance of success of doctors protecting anyone? 100% for all?

Doctors must be alive in order to revive someone, and thus cannot protect themselves. They are 100% effective on anyone else, provided they are not blocked by a force field or Q.

Do seers get a peek on night 0?


Do we learn if Worf attempts to attack Picard, Counselor Troi, or Q and get clues or does it just appear as a non-kill night?

Only Worf and his target are aware of what happened.

I'm not sure I understand the Dr. Crusher and Alyssa Ogawa characters. When a player dies in the game, is their role revealed? If so, can't they just revive their team members? Do revived people become vanillagers/vanilla-Borgs, or do they get all of their powers back? Or is this power something to block night kills?

The doctors must revive people on the same night that they die. People who are voted off are left to die as that was the wish of the majority, and players killed at night cannot be saved if they are not revived before morning. Revived players are the same as players who never died (although it IS mentioned in the morning writeup). Identities are revealed upon death.

What about role-claims? Are there specific role claim rules, or is it just a free-for-all?

No quoting of PMs or any other outside communication of any kind. fwiw, I did NOT just copy/paste the same message to each player, so some players will have messages that read somewhat differently than other players who have the same role... but just don't go there.

I am assuming that borg doctors can stop the vigiliante kill each night if they target the correct person?

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