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Old 12-03-2006, 11:10 PM
soah soah is offline
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Default Re: Star Trek: The Next Generation (GAME THREAD)

Win Conditions:

The Borg and Q win if at any time there are at least as many Borg as there are Starfleet members. Q does not count towards either side.

The Starfleet officers and civilians win if all five Borg are killed.


There seem to be 21 Starfleet officers and a few civilians. Five of them have been taken over by the Borg, and one of them has been replaced entirely by Q. The Borg and Q can be ANYONE except for Worf.

Worf - From Worf's outburst earlier, everyone is certain that Worf is fully himself -- he cannot be Borg, and Q would never degrade himself to the point of impersonating him. He is certainly a Starfleet officer still. Each night, Worf may kill one player. But strength, not stealth, is his specialty. Each kill leaves behind clues to his identity. Also, it's important to note that Captain Picard and Q are immune to Worf's kill, and Counselor Troi (Deanna) is also immune, IF she is not Borg. If he attempts to kill Captain Picard or Deanna, he instead gains night chat with them.

Lwaxana Troi - Deanna's mother Lwaxana was unforunately onboard the Enterprise during the attack and is caught up in this deadly game. As a Betazoid, she is fully telepathic and can discern the identities of other players except for Q. No one really knows how often she is doing this, though. If she discovers her daughter, the two of them will be able to communicate privately at all times via telepathy.

Deanna Troi - Deanna is only half Betazoid, but she still has some ability to read other people and find their true identity (although Q is beyond the scope of her powers). It's hard to determine just how much information she'll be able to get, though. If she discovers her mother, the two of them will be able to chat privately at all times. Discovering Commander Riker will allow her to send him telepathic messages at all times, but unfortunately he cannot return any of them. If Worf tries to kill her and she is not Borg, she will gain the ability to chat with him each night.

Guinan - Guinan is a member of a very mysterious race from far away who were attacked by the Borg long ago. She has a sixth sense about the universe, and in particular she is very aware of Q. Each night she learns who Q voted for and who he visited. If she believes she has discovered Q's identity, she may make a public accusation against him (in bold text). If she is correct, Q will be exposed and leave the game. She only gets one chance at this. Also, Guinan has the ability to learn the identities of other players during the course of the game. But no one is sure how much she can learn...

Jean Luc Picard - Captain Picard has almost a magical presence that compels everyone to listen. His vote counts for 1.5, which is just strong enough to break a tied vote. He can convince Worf not to kill him if it comes down to it, and instead they would gain the ability to chat at night. He also has the ability to accuse Q one time, the same as Guinan.

William Riker - Once per night, Commander Riker can search for Deanna Troi. If he finds her, he will be able to receive messages from her for the rest of the game... but not return any of them. If Captain Picard dies, his vote will count for 1.5.

Data - Data has computer access.

Geordi La Forge - Geordi has computer access.

Reginald Barclay - Barclay has computer access.

Wesley Crusher - Wesley has computer access, and can chat each night with Beverly Crusher.

Miles O'Brien - Chief O'Brien has computer access, and can chat each night with Keiko O'Brien.

Beverly Crusher - Each night, Doctor Crusher can check on one player. If that player has died, she will revive him. She also can chat with Wesley Crusher each night.

Alyssa Ogawa - Each Night, Nurse Ogawa can check on one player. If that player has died, she will revive him.

Keiko O'Brien - Keiko can chat with Miles O'Brien each night.

Plain crewmembers - There are seven players who have no special powers... just special dogs.

Q - Q has replaced one of the other players entirely -- it could be a plain crewmember, or it could be one of the others... anyone but Worf. Q has many powers:
- He may choose to appear as anyone he wants to when peeked by Deanna or Lwaxana. (Guinan can still spot him, though.)
- If he gets peeked, he learns which character did it and exactly what information they got from it.
- He cannot be killed by Worf, and learns Worf's identity if an attempt is made.
- He may change his vote in private.
- He knows the identity of the Borg. However, they do not know who he is.
- Each night he may visit one player and either prevent them from doing any night actions, or learn their identity.
- If he is voted off he does not die of course, but he does leave the game.
- His "death" is irrelevent towards the win condition of either side.

Description of computer access:

Five players have access to the computer. Each night they may do one of the following:
- Attempt to create a force field around someone's room. This has a 33% chance of success and will prevent anyone from entering or leaving the room. This only affects Worf, Beverly Crusher, Alyssa Ogawa, and the Borg (night kills). Their action is blocked if their room OR their target's room has a force field. Any other actions can take place despite any force fields. For the sake of gameplay, everyone is considered to live in their own, separate room as far as the force fields are concerned. Creating a force field around Wesley Crusher's room would not stop Beverly Crusher from doing her night action, for example.
- Block a force field from appearing around a certain room. This has a 100% chance of success.
- Check the computer logs to see all actions and attempted actions from the previous night. This has a 100% chance of success and will tell you the character name (not the player) who took each action, and whether or not that attempt was successful.
- Block another player from using the computer that night. This has a 100% chance of success. The target will fail any attempts they make that night unless they also choose to block someone, which would still go through.
- Research a player's personal file. Careful biometric analysis can match a player to their character name (but they will still not know if that person is Borg or not).

Any questions should be sent to me privately and I will clarify things in a new post.
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