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Old 12-03-2006, 01:47 AM
hmkpoker hmkpoker is offline
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Default Re: Question for Copernicus (any any other supply-siders present):

While it is true that when taxes are cut working more hours, investing more, etc. is made more attractive on one hand, cutting taxes makes additional work, investment, etc. LESS NECESSARY on the other hand.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is this really a bad thing?

Read this statement again. You are implying that it is good that it is necessary that people must work hard. That if a man who earns his desired lifestyle on 40 hours suddenly earns more due to a tax cut and can afford the same lifestyle on 32 hours, elects to take a day off and forever gains another day of the week in which to enjoy his life, that this is somehow a bad thing.

You may look at this as producing a negative externality and correspondingly producing a downward spiral of economic stagnation from laziness, but you are only looking at one side of the issue: to the consumer, directly, this is bad as it represents a decrease in the supply of labor...but to the competition, this is good. The more people taking time off from work at WidgitCorp, the more money there is to be made for the people at WidgitBiz. The downward spiral of stagnation cannot happen, because if too many people stop working (because it is less necessary, as you've already admitted), then there is simply too much money to be made by others to make them not want to work as well.

And besides, the less money going to taxes the better. As it stands, a working man's paycheck is taxed to pay for schools that don't teach anything, policemen that stop him from doing the things he enjoys, bureaucrats that sit around deciding on new ways to limit his freedom, costly military incursions that kill innocents, and social programs that perpetuate unproductivity. Without these taxes, would-be state employees must make their living doing something that's actually useful. Cut the [censored] taxes.
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