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Old 12-02-2006, 07:52 PM
kickabuck kickabuck is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 799
Default Re: Question for Copernicus (any any other supply-siders present):

What do you mean by "optimal taxation rate"?

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That's an excellent question.

I was using kickbuck's term (that's why I put it in quotes, verbatim), but he certainly offered no definition as to what precisely he means by that term. I'd also be curious to hear him define it.

(PS: still waiting for any response from Copernicus)


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If one concedes taxation is needed and moral, there exists an income tax rate that funds the treasury sufficiently and stifles economic growth minimally. That is what I meant by 'optimal'. What society determines is 'sufficient' funding of the treasury is highly debatable and fluid, even if those desires could be accurately quantified, economists would debate what rates produce the most funds for the treasury and the economic repercussions of those rates. So I say fairness, of a sort, lies with a flat tax as all areas of taxation are highly debatable on both moral and economic grounds. Many can agree that there is fairness in all producers being charged the same percentage for what it is they have produced.
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