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Old 12-01-2006, 07:14 PM
WackityWhiz WackityWhiz is offline
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Default Re: Most Quotable Moive EVA!!!!!!!!

Super Troopers

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll second this one. One of my roommates and I always use these quotes in the right situation. Ya... we use all of these...

"We were just going up to canada for some french fries and gravy sir"
"Canada Eh... Almost made it"

"Do you smell something rabbit?" ...

"C'mon rook, finish it up"

"Stinks like sex in here"

"Someone got distracted while doin the repeater."
<b>that'll happen<b>

"Hey pink stick, move it or lose it"
"Move that gigantic cotton candy!!!"
"How's the view from sugar heaven bitch?!?!"

"well, I know if you were my wife I'd knock ya down a peg or two"

"I would massage your feet everynight before you go to sleep"

"license and registration... chicken fukker"

"oh, you smell pretty"

"Who wants a mustache ride?"
"I vant one, I vant one!"

"Hey look, it's johnny chimpo!"

"Hey, what's the name of that place with all that goofy [censored] on the walls?"
"ooooooooooooh" (hand the butt of the gun over)

"Does that look like spit to you?"


"Bite it rook, make him look like a dick"

"I got you good you [censored]"

"Dude, do I look high?"

"Cannnndy Barrrrrs"

"Those are shrooms d00d"

"There must've been a double homicide or something, fukking cool man"

Ya.. we are simple minded. These still crack us up.
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