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Old 12-01-2006, 05:50 PM
notreallymyname notreallymyname is offline
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Default Re: How can I learn how to handle losing better?

Becoming depressed from your own bad play isn't going to improve it either. Certainly you should try to determine whether you played the hands correctly or not for your ongoing development, but the emotional response is going to make matters worse either way.

I've not been playing long nor unusually successfully so my opinion may not be worth but, but I found that originally when I started losing, I usually continued losing until I stopped playing, got lucky or ended up on tilt. What helped me is a thought that I haven't seen anywhere: that poker should be treated momentarily in most respects. Now if I lose 100 BB (blinds, I play NL) in a session, I treat it as bygones and always keep my focus on my total bankroll when making decisions and can continue to win back 150 BB. Letting your past losses/wins, hands, cards and opponents affect your play other than through analysis of them cannot be beneficial.
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