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Old 11-28-2006, 11:42 AM
StregaChess StregaChess is offline
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Default Re: Did God Put Ancient Earthquakes On Faults?

This is an absurd concept at several levels. I’ll come out of the closet a bit, about 200 or 300 years ago I was a theology major, in my current life I’m a commodity manager, what a contradiction, right? OK first….. I see no evidence that God typically turns his back on the laws of physics. Yes there are miracles that Jesus preformed and yes some of these violate the laws of physics as we know them. However the purpose of the Bible is to tell the story of the salvation via Christ, it’s not a scientific text book and it’s not intended to be so. Even stories like the flood and Noah should not be interrupted out of context. The goal of keeping a blood line pure or ensuring that some fault in society was eliminated, or fulfilling a prophecy does not have a damn thing to do with Native Americans living 8,000 miles way. Hence the “flood” by logic and by the specific language in the earliest manuscripts does not rule out a localized flood.
This is just one example of how “lunatic religious zealots” run the other way and build belief systems that are carried into the public mainstream as “what most Christians believe” that have nothing to do with the facts.

old time earthquakes that human science will never be able to investigate always on faults?

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It’s possible in a theoretical sense as I would not box God in but I see no reason logically that it would not be a on a fault.

Suppose there are some miscreants who deserve an earthquake now but don't live on a fault

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This whole concept that this “not ready” is putting forth is very disturbing. Basically as I alluded to earlier the whole “stuff that happen time” was in order to bring forth this path of a Christ and salvation, it’s done case closed. God does not go about punishing miscreants as you call them. The laws of nature and mankind do that well enough, that’s why we have aids, bombs and natural earthquakes. Another misconception of the zealots is that nature is good and pure and always justice and that where we see deviation from that God is in play. Nothing could be further from the truth, if man has a fallen nature so does the world we live in. Life happens and it’s not always good…..
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