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Old 11-22-2006, 08:29 PM
malo malo is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 349
Default Re: Missouri Representative Roy Blunt

Really don't have any interesting tales to tell. County Clerk is an adminsitrative office that runs the elections. There were no close or contested elections when he was in office, so nothing controversial. He got along fine with the Dem office holders (what few there were.)

He was always very helpful toward the media, expecially on election nights when everyone was trying to get returns aired quickly. His office would have food out (sandwich and munchie stuff) for the election workers and reporters. Just a nice guy.

He'd laugh at--and tell an occasional dirty joke, chug a few brewskis at my employer's annual St Pat's Green Beer party. Nothing prissy about him at all.

Never heard any rumours that he liked to chase women---which made his eventual divorce and remarriage to the lobbyist a bit of a surprise to me.

Sorry I don't have any entertaining scuttlebut--but there really wasn't any. If you had told me back then he would end up on a list of most corrupt congressman, I wouldn't have believed it.
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