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Old 11-22-2006, 06:25 PM
KyleC KyleC is offline
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Default Re: Iron Chef OOT 11/13-11/19

Ron Burgundy,

I hope you didn't take offense to any of my review, like I said I think your dishes were the strongest I hope from my review you can take some of the information away and help improve for your next Iron Chef.

One of the reasons why I had a problem with the sushi presentation it just seemed too plain with the two mounds. Overall it's a pretty plate with nice colors but I think it could have better by moving the two things of sushi to the middle and possibly spreading a bit of the roe around the sushi. As for the tuna dish I understand you were cooking it for yourself which is why you cooked to medium, but I believe it is a few pieces too much in terms of portion size. With the dessert definitely always think ahead when preparing to make a plate, as I cook my dishes plate presentation is always going through my head thinking what I need etc.

For Stevie's dish it was plated beautifully I agree I just believe he could have had a bit more sauce. The way I always put things in perspective is if I were at a restaurant would I be satisfied with this. I am not taking anything away from his dishes they are great but if you were served that large portion of cakes for an appetizer and your entree arrived with 3 pieces of meat and risotto what would you think? I believe Stevie's dish is a perfect example of not enough meat and your tuna dish is a good example of a bit too much.
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