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Old 11-21-2006, 06:35 PM
KOTLP KOTLP is offline
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Default DVD, Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, etc.

I've been debating on whether to hold off on buying new DVDs. Part of me wants to wait until there is a winner in the HD/Blu-Ray battle. But I also wonder if neither format will come to replace DVDs. Some thoughts:

- A good anamorphic DVD looks outstanding on a high-def display already, but many DVDs don't use close to their full potential with respect to video quality (and waste space with previews and junk). Is there a noticeable difference between an excellent DVD transfer and the same film in HD-DVD/Blu-Ray?

- As I grow older, a larger portion of the DVDs I watch are older films anyway. I doubt these would benefit at all from a HD release unless they haven't been re-mastered already.

- Is it too late for HD-DVD/Blu-Ray? This Slate article argues that neither format will be widely adpoted because discs will die off as on-demand and new technologies take over. For example, starting tomorrow, X-box Live will be offering downloadable TV shows and movies, some of which will be in high-def. The article also claims it won't be long before we see things like all seasons of TV shows shipped on small hard drives.

This blog entry disagrees, pointing out packaging is a large part of why people buy DVDs, and the on-demand providers face too many hurdles. One thing I would add here is for me a big reason I buy DVDs the bonus materials. Unless these are offered in a downloadable or on-demand format, I'm not interested.

How do you see the future of video? Do you still buy standard DVDs?
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