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Old 11-21-2006, 11:54 AM
Jeff Oneye Jeff Oneye is offline
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Default Re: Missouri Rep Roy Blunt, clearly against Internet gambling

These "family values" Christian conservatives claim to represent the values of the Bible. In reality they represent those who wish to micromanage your personal behavior with the strong arm of government.

The Biblical justification for their political activity is lacking, if not non-existant. The Bible teaches Christians to submit to authority, "pay Ceasar's what is Caesar's" and adhere to the laws (unless they force one to sin). There is much Biblical literature to suggest man is basically incapable of 'good government.' That's why Christians (at least some) long for the earth's end when Jesus will restore earth to paradise and create his own kingdom, acting as ruler.

I personally believe that the Christian faith is being undermined, not bolstered, by legislators (such as Rep. Roy Blunt-MO) attempting to advance the church through the state. Conservatives have traditionally believed in preserving time-tested morals and values through the community. Unfortunately, there is a modern tendency for many politicians to mandate one-size-fits-all solutions from Washington. In the past, private institutions, churches, and local governments assumed the role as guardian of public morality.

The status-quo is unacceptable and gives relatively few power brokers too much control over our personal lives. Rather than looking for a speck in our neighbor's eye, lets focus on our own personal morality. Government policy doesn't create moral parishioners. Thinking the government can bolster the church by acting as its advocate and enforcer of morality distorts the proper role of both.

As conservatives, we used to expect consistent support for limited government. We demand lower taxes, less regulation, and personal freedom. It seems as though these simple values have fallen by the wayside. It is embarassing to think America's premier conservative party has been responsible for unprecedented growth in freedom-stifling government. Equally disturbing, is the creation of laws, such as the recent laws banning online poker, designed to protect citizens from themselves. We conservatives are rugged individualists who are quite able to make our own decisions and choose our own hobbies and recreation. Provided we are not victimizing others, we should be free to make adult decisions without the prying eyes of big government. I used to think only liberals and leftists were advocates of massive, intrusive goverment. Now I find the Republican party appears even more exuberant by inviting government into our bedrooms, bathrooms, telephone lines, bank accounts, and hard drives.

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