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Old 11-23-2005, 02:20 PM
allenciox allenciox is offline
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Default Re: Play a Hand With the Masters #3 Flop

I am responding before reading any other responses or any of the subsequent posts (so I don't know whether other people have already said what I say here or not).

1) I like this bet. I don't care whether it is early or not, if you only raise with premium hands in late position then you are easy to read. You have to mix it up with non-premium hands. My favorite ones to do it with are the small connectors, esp. suited. If you get called you are likely not called by a dominated hand, and still have position, so additional money in the pot generally helps you more than hurts you. I would routinely make the same play.

2) You have to bet. If you don't bet when you hit after raising pre-flop who is going to believe your continuation bets when you miss? Besides, this is a draw-heavy board --- you don't want to give him a free card to potential draws. I would bet 100 here. If he check-raises me, I call after thinking about it 15 seconds(after all he could already have a made straight)

3) Assuming that villian calls my flop bet, I will put him on either a drawing hand (there are tons of possibilities) or a small pair. If a blank comes on the turn and he checks, I would bet 300 or so to scare away his drawing hand. If he bets, I would raise, again to scare away a draw. If a hand hits that could have made his hand (a third heart, or a 6,8, T, or J, for example) then I will proceed more cautiously. If he bets in that case, I will think about it and flat call, with the plan to flat call a reasonable bet on the river but be ready to let it go if I am convinced he made his hand. If he checks, I will still bet, but a check-raise in that case would be a dead giveaway. I would still likely call a reasonable reraise, (I could fill up on the end) but not if I am convinced he has made his hand and I don't have pot odds to draw to a boat. The final possibility is that the turn card gives me a boat (particularly delicious if it is also a heart). In that case, I slowplay it. If he checks, I check, hoping to set him on the river (particularly hoping he makes his hand then because he will pay). If he bets, I would smooth call unless it is a small feeler bet, in which case I would make a small feeler raise.

4. Good questions.
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