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Old 11-19-2006, 03:31 AM
Insp. Clue!So? Insp. Clue!So? is offline
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Default Re: Glenn Beck- Latest Example of Logic Challenged Arrogant Moron

Without addressing the underlying Snyder jab one way or the other...

Donald Schlessinger once publicly fell for what might be called a "sucker bet". Does it follow, and does it meet objective analysis, that Donald Schlessinger is a "logic-challenged arrogant moron?" Or is it possible that anyone can be lead astray by abstruse (or even mundane) subjects from time to time? If so then how do we explain his excellent blackjack book? Hundres of pages of getting it right by being lucky?

If I write how Issac Newton was best described as a logic-challenged arrogant moron on account of his laughable bible notions, I think I might get an objection or two...ya think?
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