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Old 11-17-2006, 08:50 PM
oddjob oddjob is offline
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Default Re: PS3 queue violence

this is from someone i know:

Short story of woe:
-Few weeks ago some guys at work preorder the system.
-We get it today, get some games (Resistance, Need for Speed, and Ridge Racer).
-We take it out, start setting it up on the big screen and notice it doesn't come with the good cables required to make it look as good as its marketing is bragging about. All you get is RCA cables, no HD or even component.
-We try to start it up and it requires a disc to update it's firmware for about 10minutes.
-When Resistance finally started, the Intro is all ww2 type photos and narration for about 5minutes before action. It starts up and there is a collective feeling of disappointment and disbelief in the room (of about 20ppl) about how bad it looked considering. It looked so bad that people were trying to figure out how it could be this bad because "there's no way they would release this looking like this." Blame was placed on everything from the developer of the game, to the cables, to trying to blame the TV (a big screen plasma).
-After the first intro level, the controller (which w/o rumble feels so light that is seems like a fake demo model of a real controller) is offered to the room for someone else to play but no one wants to, instead we put in Need for Speed Carbon. After the high-res cinematic, the gameplay starts and the graphics look like PS2. The anti-aliasing was as bad as the worse PS2 game I'd seen.
-Quickly they took that game out and put in Ridge Racer, which looked better, but wasn't fun. Again the controller was offered to the 5 people left in the room, but no one took the offer and the system was turned off.
-A couple hours later, people plugged the PS2 back in and continued playing Guitar Hero 2 as usual.

So in short:
$700 for the system +
$64 per game x3
15min of gameplay with this waste of money pos.

Side note: A friend of mine at work here, who was bragging that the PS3 will kick the crap out of the Wii, actually played the wii (ExciteTruck) at a Gamestop this week and said it was the most fun he's had on a console in a long time and is going to buy one. He saw the PS3 today and, with a perplexed look on his face, said: "This looks baad. "
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